How to File a Complaint Against a Dentist
As a component of the New York State Dental Association, the Eighth District Dental Society participates in the NYSDA Peer Review and Quality Assurance Program.
Peer Review provides a confidential, impartial and timely way to resolve complaints about the appropriateness and quality of dental treatment provided by member dentists. Participation in this alternative dispute resolution process is a membership requirement.
Peer Review resolves patient complaints confidentially. Neither the process nor its outcome is reported to any outside agency – or the public. Peer Reviews are resolved by a committee of impartial professional peers. Peer Review resolutions are final. Peer Review findings have been upheld by the court, providing the doctor with immunity from subsequent litigation.
Guide to Peer Reviewoutlines the process a Peer Review case undergoes on its way to resolution.
Peer Review provides:
* An alternative to resolve complaints about dental treatment;
* An objective evaluation of treatment by a committee of impartial professional peers;
* Confidentiality;
* A refund of fees to the patient when treatment is not consistent with the standard of care.
To be eligible for Peer Review:
* Treatment must be provided by a EDDS member dentist;
* Treatment must have been completed within 2 ½ years prior to submission of the Agreement to Submit to Peer Review;
* Dispute cannot have been submitted to or resolved by an alternative mechanism; i.e., collection action, legal proceeding, OPD, etc.
To file a complaint, please call the Eighth District Dental Society at 716-995-6300.